Food for thought! A guide to urban vegetable gardening.
The urban vegetable garden invites itself to balconies, terraces, rooftops and garden spaces directly in the midst of our concrete jungle.
In recent years, cities with a limited green space have seen a rise in urban agriculture and urban vegetable gardens made possible to reveal a multitude of functions. Studies have shown, greens spaces have fostered an increase in happiness, boosted productivity, reduce stress, improved biodiversity in the city, offering a depolluting function and has even created a social environment to gather.
In the era of sustainability and the rise of permaculture, roof terraces, gardens, and raised planter boxes provide solutions to transform your consumption, involvement amongst the workforce and community as well as opportunity to donate to local organizations in need.
It is a lot easier than you think to build and grow a small urban vegetable garden rich in nutrients and a variety of produce, constructing an abundance of harvest from butter lettuce, kale, cabbage, carrots, celery, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, an array of tomatoes, peppers and herbs to name a few.
Key benefits to vegetable gardening in the urban core:
Promote healthier eating habits:
Growing vegetables encourages the consumption of fresh produce. This can lead to a healthier diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Bringing fresh veggies into your tenant’s lunch every day will definitely create some smiles and even a buzz around this new installation.
2. Environmental impact:
Gardening reduces our carbon footprint associated with transporting food. This will create positive change within our soil health and biodiversity.
Greenery on a rooftop, patio or streetside has proven to reduce urban heat islands. The urban heat island effect has been known to increase energy costs, increase pollution, and heat related illness.
3. Accessible & Inclusivity:
When thinking of accessibility, think of those who work in the building and live with disabilities. A raised garden planter allows them to participate in an activity within their corporate community. Not only is this ergonomic, but it is an inclusive action.
4. Educational benefits:
Gardening can be a valuable learning experience, from plant life cycles, ecosystems and the way crops thrive in different environments. Vegetable gardening can cultivate a passion for avid gardeners, city dwellers and building tenants alike.
5. Community Benefits:
Gardening can foster a sense of community, as you can share your harvest with tenants and/ or donate to a local organization in need.
Vegetable gardening can be custom made to fit your space, whether it be a fixed garden bed or raised planter boxes in a variety of colours and shapes while using chemical free, sustainably sourced material.
Interested in an urban vegetable garden? Contact us now by clicking the button below!
Interested in more information on this subject? Feel free to consult these wonderful sources below:
*Raised beds gardening:
*Urban heat island effects:
*From seed to vegetable: